Google Music (or Google Play Music now!) is brilliant. It lets you upload 20,000 tracks to Google’s servers, available to play anywhere with a web browser, and streamable from your phone too.
However, sometimes it’s good to be able to listen to your music when you haven’t got an internet connection – the Android Music client supports “make available offline” for tracks, but the webpage doesn’t yet – so I wrote a small Chrome extension that generates a list of wget commands (and mv commands) to automate the process of downloading specific tracks from Google Music, ready for play offline.
The extension adds a button to the Google Music webpage’s interface that when clicked will (hopefully!) copy a series of shell commands (linux or cygwin) to your clipboard. You can also click a link to view the commands it generates – these commands will download each track, then rename them in the form <track-number> – <track name>.mp3
For example:
wget ',itag,source,o,ip,ipbits,expire&signature=aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa.aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa&key=sj2' -O track1.mp3; mv track1.mp3 '01 - My track name.mp3' ;
If you run that in a shell, you’ll end up with your MP3.
The tracks don’t have any ID3 info embedded but for those times when you just need 1 or 2 albums (which is what this should be used for!) that doesn’t matter too much. This is *not* intended to batch-dump your entire Google Music library.
Obviously, this shouldn’t be used for evil – please use responsibly 🙂
You can download the latest version here.
2012-03-08 v0.0.1
First build
2012-03-08 v0.0.2-4
Slightly more user-friendly interface, support for copying directly to the OS clipboard
2012-03-08 v0.0.5
Supports downloading tracks from playlists now too
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