Let’s say you have a webapp that needs a popup window to hold something (a media player for example) and you want just one for the lifetime of your app. You want to be able to communicate with it (i.e. run javascript functions in it). How?! Read below!
Author: Seb
UserScript: Set the Outlook Web Access (OWA) title to the unread email count
Below is a simple UserScript (install with TamperMonkey or GreaseMonkey) to refresh the light OWA page and set the title of the page (tab) to the number of unread emails. I’ve only tried this in the light OWA mode 2010, but it seems to do the job, and refreshes the page once a minute.
How to import your ReadItLater items into Delicious (python converter)
I like readitlater; but recently I found myself wanting to share some of my tagged items with other people and couldn’t find a way to do it. I used Delicious years ago and that’s always been a much more social app, so fired that up, and looked for way to import items.
Unfortunately the export format of readitlater isn’t compatible with the import format required by Delicious; so here’s a quick python script to convert a ReadItLater exported html file to a file that Delicious’s import will accept.
Google Chrome Extension build script
If you build Chrome extensions, you probably understand it’s a bit of a pain in the bum having to move all the files into the right place (especially if you have shared assets elsewhere), keep track of versions of your package, update your update.xml, and packaging it all up into a .crx and a .zip for publishing on the Chrome webstore. I found a it a pain in the bum anyway, so I wrote a bash script to simplify the build process a bit.
It pumps out a .crx (signed with your .pem, ready for hosting on your site) and a .zip (ready for uploading to the Chrome Store).
Download Google Music tracks with wget from Chrome
Google Music (or Google Play Music now!) is brilliant. It lets you upload 20,000 tracks to Google’s servers, available to play anywhere with a web browser, and streamable from your phone too.
However, sometimes it’s good to be able to listen to your music when you haven’t got an internet connection – the Android Music client supports “make available offline” for tracks, but the webpage doesn’t yet – so I wrote a small Chrome extension that generates a list of wget commands (and mv commands) to automate the process of downloading specific tracks from Google Music, ready for play offline.
A raytracer for Google Chrome Native Client
A couple of months ago, I applied for a job. I’d been working for the previous 6 years in Java, and the job was a C++ post so I needed to learn C++ quickly – as a good project to get me going, I wrote a raytracer. I got the job, and I’m about 5 months in – looking back at the code I’d written for this starter project, it’s not great – I’ve already learnt a lot in that time, so I’ve rewritten it – and this time I targeted only standard, portable C++ so it compiled nicely (at least the core of the raytracer does) under GCC 4 with no libraries on any platform I fancied.
Then I found out about NaCl – Native Client – Google’s system for building extensions for Chrome using native code – and noticed the requirements for building things in it are that it compiles in GCC 4. Sounded like a good test-case…
Iptables firewall and SSH brute-force blocking with fail2ban on Ubuntu server
This is a quick howto to get an iptables firewall setup on Ubuntu server, with fail2ban enabled to block brute-force’d attempts at breaking in over SSH. I’m running this on Ubuntu 10.04 LTS, but it should work similarly on other versions.
Warning! If you get your iptables config wrong, you can end up blocking yourself out of your server, so be careful! Always best to have serial console access to the box just in case…
50gb of “cloud” space with Box, automatically sync’d on Ubuntu/Linux with webdav and unison
Box (used to be box.net) is an online storage service that’s been around for a while – it’s quite popular and gives you more storage space than Dropbox usually does. And, if you’ve got an Android or iPhone, getting the mobile Box app (for Box.com) unlocks 50gb of storage immediately, for free. 50GB of storage. Unfortunately, it doesn’t have a linux syncing client yet – wouldn’t it be nice if you could create your own?
VNC from boot on Ubuntu 10.04 all the way to 14.04 without logging in, using LightDM (or GDM) and x11vnc (includes LUbuntu with lxdm and Linux Mint LMDE with mdm)
In LUbuntu (and Ubuntu and XUbuntu) there are a number of fairly decent VNC servers, broadly split into 2 groups – 1 lot that let you view the existing desktop (i.e. remote control your existing session) and the other lot that create seperate X sessions that only exist under the VNC server. I’m interested in the first lot, and I’d like to be able to login to my X session over VNC before I’ve logged in on the box itself.
Steam and Oblivion under Linux (Ubuntu 11.10, Oneiric Ocelot) with Wine 1.4
I’ve been playing quite a lot of Oblivion (Elder Scrolls IV) recently through Steam (I got the Game of the Year Edition, Deluxe on a Steam deal!). Usually I reboot into Windows for gaming but recently decided to give the latest versions of Wine a try to see how it runs under Linux. I’m running a fresh install of XUbuntu 11.10 (Ubuntu + XFCE) and this post is a brief guide on how to get Oblivion running smoothly with minimal hickups without having to reboot.